Many businesses plan for their next year in December, so if this was you, now is a good time to think about the photography that you might like to go with that planning.

This visual element is easy to forget or you can think to yourself ‘oh I’ll get an image of that on my phone’. However ask yourself if that is authentic to your company, brand or product?

If you are selling artwork at £10,000 a piece, does that image you took on your phone look like a £10,000 reflection of your artwork. Authenticity matters.

Even if you haven’t planned ahead, looking at the events you have happening during the year, or the events that will resonate with you as a business, it is worth planning your photography too?

You may even find if you have a lot of things going on – it’s worth retaining a professional photographer for a year on a monthly basis to ensure those ‘moments’ are not missed?

You might decide to have great images for your blog this year. In previous years you’ve either taken them yourself, or you’ve used images from stock or free image websites, so in actual fact, they’re not just your’s.  Why not talk to me about either me photographing a set of images for you, or, you buying some of my existing images to use?

Here are just five ideas for when photos would add to the event or occasion.

  1. 2024 might be a special biz celebration – i.e. you’ve been in business for 10 or 20 or more years. Always something to celebrate and recognise, as most businesses don’t make it to a decade. I can capture your celebration event so you have long lasting memories, and also images to share on your social media.
  1. If your business is about health and wellness, May is the National Walking Month. You might set up some walking network events, or have meetings with your team whilst walking, and want to capture some professional photos for that – so you have images for your website, or for articles and blogs about the importance of walking. These can also be used to flag up a repeat event in 2025. Book me in ahead of time.
  1. May also plays host to National Stationery Week. If you sell stationery, or print stationery, it would also be a good time to capture images of your products well in advance for special offers, or images for social media and blogs.
  1. The last week of May is National Children’s Gardening Week. You might support a local school and help them to create a small garden, buying them plants and helping them to set it up. Capturing images before and after the event would be great for blogs, and or an article on your website about your community work. You can even talk to your local newspaper about having write up – telling them you have professional photographs (with the school’s permission).
  1. Let’s just take the month of February too. This month always hosts National Apprenticeship Week which is a government-led initiative. Are you going to have some apprentices working with you during the year? If they are happy to be photographed, then capture them working with your team. Writing a blog about it and using quote from them, and adding photos is great PR for you as a business. Again, a good opportunity to contact your local paper, telling them you have photos – this is the month they may want to meet your apprentices.

You may also have events where you want both aerial and ground photography, and you can talk to me about that too. Please get in so that I can book in a photoshoot for you and your business –