Obviously, as a photographer I have thousands of photos that I’ve taken for different types of businesses, occasions and events.  When I am networking for my own business, I regularly share images I’ve taken to illustrate the types of images I take; the different types of clients I work with; the different types of professions I work with, and lastly but not least, I’m showing off my photography skills.

Networking is one of the best ways  for me to raise my profile in business as it is for many other service-based businesses. You put yourself in front of a variety of business people, some of whom may know you, and others who you haven’t met previously.

It is rare that you make sales at a networking event, but what is certain, if you talk to people openly, without being ‘pushy’ about what you do, and are equally interested in their business, then people are more likely to remember you. Over time you get to know them, build professional relationships and you will get bookings.

When networking, you should quietly be focussing on what you wanting to develop in your business, or the type of business you want more of, so planning a short description if people ask you, is helpful.

This is where my photos can come into their own because I can always create ‘props’ and I can always choose something different. These props then become very photogenic themselves, so others take pictures of my pictures!

Six ways I use my images when networking.

I belong to two not for profit networking groups  that I have belonged to for some time. During meetings we each have an opportunity to tell storie around our businesses – and my photographs really allow me to ‘mix it up’.

  1. I realised many years ago, that most people I network with have not looked at my website, which is probably true of a good number of people we meet. If I meet someone I might like to work with, or collaborate with, I’ll take their card, look at their website, and then email them, saying how much I enjoyed talking to them, and that I looked at their website. Depending on what I saw, I can add in words about how good it was; that they didn’t have many photos, would they be interested in more?
  1. I use prints of my photos to visually describe what I do and the specific type of business I am looking for at that meeting. People are always engaged, and they all want to see the image. They don’t usually lose interest when I’m showing my photos.
  1. Generally, I select a theme which shows a certain photographic discipline I would like to make people aware of. For example: corporate; architecture; automotive; aviation; commercial; agricultural; fashion and accessories; garden landscape; interiors; marine; portraits and pets. I also work in collaboration with another business and together we do aerial photography. This reminds the group of the varied type of photography that I can provide.
  1. On many occasions I have shown my holiday snaps to show where I have travelled, which is my personal photography passion and hobby. This shows people a little bit about me, rather than just my business face.
  1. Occasionally, I have been known to show quirky photos to lighten the mood – e.g. an odd photograph of an animal, someone photobombing an image. This always raises a laugh.
  1. By sharing my images, hopefully they are an aide memoir should they think to refer me to their clients.

Do you use props when you go networking?  Alternatively, have you thought of using a photo of your business as a prop to talk about a specific thing?

If you are looking for professional photos for your business please visit my website: https://www.moore-photographics.com/