Pre-Covid, I used to photograph a lot of vessels on the water.

I have been sailing for 40 years in all weathers and I have my Costal Skipper and Yacht Master shore based qualifications which allow me to charter vessels if needed, and made life easier for me when doing marine photography. However, I would always insist on having a crew member with me when photographing.

The main problem, as I’m sure you can imagine, is remaining still when taking photos from a moving vessel. Having spent so much time on the water over the years, I have gained a good upper body stability.  This means that I have the benefit of being able to take photos at a slower speed than other’s might be able to.  Also, it allows for a greater depth of field when it comes to close up work, or when I have to photograph in low light.

Another huge problem when photographing around salt water, is managing to keep my lens and sensor clean.  To minimise this problem, I have a range of lenses permanently fixed to multiple camera bodies. Changing lens on a shoot would allow mist into the camera chamber and onto the sensor.  For this reason, you’ll probably see me using four cameras on a shoot!

However, professional equipment is designed to be used in all kinds of conditions and temperatures. But, I always clean the lens thoroughly after each adventure at sea.

As well as photographing from a chase boat, or the platform of a work boat with a large working platform, there are a whole range of exciting images to capture when out at sea photographing the various vessels.

Sometimes I can photograph from the safety and stability of the shore too.

Over the years I’ve photographed a huge range of events and action images, which are always a challenge – to capture fast moving objects and capture them in focus.

  • J Class yachts racing on the Solent
  • A new yacht undergoing sail trimming for a new client
  • Competitors on the Round Britain Race
  • A Dutch channel dredging vessel
  • A container ship in Southampton at night

And some shots of more mundane, but equally important aspects of marine life:

  • A port marker buoy.
  • Cleaning motors and the underside of vessels.

If you have a marine vessel you’d like photographing, please get in contact with me. Call 07747 604911