Many businesses write blogs these days to show expertise, share hints and tips and talk about their services or products yet often where do they get their accompanying photographs?

Some use online ‘free’ copyright websites (not Google images –  they are not copyright free).  However, if you are using them, there is nothing to stop everyone else from using them too. And it’s quite common to see blogs from companies with a generic picture which fools no one – we’ve seen it before, we know (if it’s an image of people) that those are not the people in that business. It’s often inauthentic.

A business owner or member of the team is trying to tell individual stories using generic images which bear no real relation to the content. And sometimes you are paying for those generic images.

Have you ever considered working with a professional photographer like me to PLAN those images for your blogs?

I can help you build a portfolio or images that are bespoke to your business, and match the blogs you are writing. I also have my own archive which can be used for such a purpose and which won’t appear in a hundred other places.

Having images that match your brand style will make you stand out from the crowd.

7 reasons why you should value professional photography for blogs:

  1. You might like to have photos of your business premises, or paraphernalia linked to your type of industry. Products, or machinery, or tools etc.
  1. Images of you or your employees photographed during a normal working day, showing your processes; or you running an event or workshop are far more authentic and create strong personal branding.
  1. Working with me to a brief for your photographic needs, I can ensure that they are shot in the correct format you need for your blog. You may require portrait, landscape, letterbox style, or even square – deciding beforehand, I can provide the required format or even formats if you’d like to use the images to cross promote your content.
  1. If you want to show your individual quirky side, I can help there too. We can plan together to create those particular shots, to match the blogs you want to write. I can shoot to create ‘negative space’ if you want to add words or phrases to that image.
  1. Sometimes, blogs require a more abstract image, or one of something that you may not have the time, or the budget to photograph. However, among my vast collection of images I have already photographed, I may well have the exact picture you need. For example, I love photographing boats, trains, countryside, and places abroad, so I could offer you a range of images to purchase that match your blog ideas.
  1. Business blogs are often also about the person behind the business – because people love to see the personality of the business owner/founder/MD or CEO. Therefore, a range of images of you perhaps engaged in your hobby, or with your dog, or maybe you have a number of office dogs; you relaxing in the garden you have created over time… These are also the types of things you may share in your blog, so worth arranging a photoshoot around these aspects of life too.
  1. If your business works with a specific charity, then plan to capture images of your involvement with that charity during events or days you work with them.

Planning which blogs you are going to write during the year, and then booking a photoshoot with me to create some images to match those blogs also makes life much easier when it comes to time down the line

If you’d like to talk to me about a photoshoot for blog images, contact me on: